June 11, 2010.
My farewell at Phaplu Community School. Today was a memorable day. We had a wonderful program with the students and teachers. I had received gifts, cards, khatas, flowers and many hugs. I had finished my work with Manisha and the library class.
I had completed my book project and helped out with the school's first handbook and record filing. Manisha will start making a record file for the teacher and students. I am ready to return for my studies at NYU for International Education in development. I had accomplished what I came here to learn and understand more of.
WoW what a feeling I have. My heart grew 100 times bigger from this amazing experience.
I am so thankful for all of my family and friends support in my book project and believing in me. There's so words to describe the happiness I feel now.
I want to give a special thank for Manisha. She has been a great help with everything with the classroom library and she was willing to learn. We both learned a lot from each other.
It was a great pleasure to meet the people that I met here in Nepal. Without them this trip of a lifetime could never been such a success. There's many thanks to give out but I can't thank everyone individually but I want to let you know how grateful I am for our friendship.
Thank you to my Sherpa friends both in NYC and Nepal. Specially to Tsering Dolma. You are my best friend for seven years and without you I wouldn't had this life changing experience. Thank you for support and our lifetime friendship. I love you!
Thank you to all of my students at SIS and Phaplu Community School. Thank you thank you to GOD for this time in my life....I am truly blessed.